What you always wanted to know but didn't dare ask.
More questions? Contact us!
What does a naked yoga class look like?
Exactly like a regular yoga class - except that we practise without clothes.
While we know this practice to be deeply healing, we also realise it can be mentally challenging, so we concentrate on working with the mind as well as with the body.
The practices involve gentle movement, guided breathing, affirmations, visualisations and deep relaxation.
Are your classes gender-specific or mixed?
We will offer both mixed and gender-specific classes to begin with, and later we'll concentrate on the ones that are more in demand.
What do I need to bring?
You can bring your yoga mat or use the one provided by the studio. If you choose the latter, it is necessary to bring your own yoga towel. You can also rent a towel from us, for a small fee. Feel free to bring your own blocks, if you prefer. We provide some blankets for Shavasana, but again, if you have a favourite at home, feel free to bring your own.
Will I feel awkward?
Considering the society we live in that sexualizes nudity and tolerates body-shaming, it can surely feel a bit unsettling to undress in a room full of strangers. You may feel more vulnerable than usual and will most likely uncover some fears or prejudice towards yourself and/or others that you didn’t even know you had in you.
But that’s where the practice begins. You will see that in a room full of naked people we are all just the same human beings, sharing the desire to be happy. With time, by exercising (self-)compassion and (self-)acceptance, you will free your mind from limiting beliefs. That’s the brilliant simplicity of naked yoga.
What if the class triggers my past trauma?
We mean for our classes to be a safe and nourishing space for you to explore and improve your connection with your body - and for this reason we ensure that all our teachers are qualified to offer trauma informed classes. To secure your peace of mind, we also have very strict community rules.
Are your classes suitable for beginners?
Yes, absolutely! We usually suggest several pose variations for different levels and are always eager to offer guidance and advice for new practitioners.
I am curious but terrified. How should I start?
We recommend taking small steps out of your comfort zone.
First, you can try our online class and practice in the privacy of your own home. Your teacher will guide you on how to shift your focus during the practice so that it would have a more profound effect on your body and mind.
Then you can move on and join our workshop. In the first half an hour we will introduce you to the concept of naked yoga and the philosophy behind it, tell you about our community rules and class structure and help you define your personal goals and benefits of the practice. Second half an hour is an (optional) short naked yoga session. When all the willing participants are ready, we undress, do some breathwork and very light movements, to give you a feeling of how a regular class may be.
That’s it - now, if you feel that you are ready, sign up for a regular class!

Have more questions? Do not hesitate to ask us!